
Showing posts from April, 2022

Blog #9: Graphic Organizer/Thinking Map

  When completing the graphic organizer/thinking map I noticed that it forced me to pull out the key points. Often when note-taking, I tend to take too many and can lose the main points. With this organizer, I was able to find the main points and then show how all the subtopics connect and relate back to the main ones. I noticed that I was beginning to understand the information in a deeper way through the connections I could see visually. I didn't think that I would notice a big difference with this method of note-taking so I'm pleasantly surprised. I think I will be using this note-taking method in the future. Seeing how this helped me, I can see the importance with students in the way it allows them to see the connections between points and also note which points are grouped together. Although I'm somewhat of a visual learner, I can see how this could help any kind of learner. In the moment, students may be able to make connections, but when they go back to the material

Blog Post #8: Collage of Assessment Practices

  ASSESSMENTS Definitions: Interim/Benchmark: FastBridge Benchmark Reading CBM-R  This assessment helps show reading fluency as well as speed. It also allows teachers to see how well a student is able to track while reading. The assessment is a 1-minute read of a grade-level passage. The assessment tracks errors, skipped lines, and the last word a student read. This type of assessment is used in the Fall, Winter, Spring, and at the end of the year for a total of 4 times. It is helpful as it shows how a student has progressed throughout the year and how they compare to their grade-level peers. It also helps flag students who may qualify for reading intervention. If a student is already receiving a reading intervention,l it helps to see if it is helping or not.  Formative #1: Exit Tickets This assessment would be used at the end of a lesson and can be done daily. Exit tickets allow teachers to check for student understanding/learning. They are also a way for students to ask questions and