
Showing posts from December, 2022

Blog Post #11: Differentiation in a Classroom Setting

Part 1: Responses (Reading) Chapter 1: What is Differentiation What are the 4 key elements of differentiation instruction-- describe each element in your own words and why it is important. The 4 key elements of differentiation instruction are rigor of instruction, relevancy of instruction and content, flexibility and variation of instruction, and the complexity level of instruction. Rigor looks at providing students with the right level of challenge while also ensuring that they feel successful. As a teacher, I don't want to give students work they can always get easily as it doesn't stretch their thinking or skills. By seeing where they are, I can give them work and instruction that will challenge them and help them develop more skills to propel their learning. As for relevancy, it's important to ensure that we are putting our focus on instruction and learning instead of giving students more things to work on or busy work activities. We want the work we give them to have a